The rain had eased off overnight and by morning had cleared away allowing us to set out without wearing our waterproofs. At Milan we joined the public road, by the gate was a notice warning walkers of 1 free range Highland bulls' In the area where we camped. We had seen a herd about half a mile from our campsite but these had been In a field.






Beyond Kililan we took the track up to Nonach Lodge, as we approached four or five collies came racing down the track to greet us, they all seemed good natured. Their barking brought the resident of the lodge from his house, he gave us advice on the route to Attadale, a line of power poles led the way across the hills, if we stayed with these he assured us they would lead us to our destination.


The walk was a very pleasant one staying close above the river Ling, soon falling slightly to cross by a plank bridge among some trees. We had been told of the bridge when we were at the lodge, we could have missed It if we had not known it was there.

Crossing here led us onto a slightly different route from that planned, but it made little difference and was a decent track until we reached the forestry a couple of miles from Attadale. The weather had been fairly kind to us but as we climbed over the hill the rain came on, it was on with the waterproofs once more, but only for half an hour or so. In the wood the going was very soft  but we were soon through and out onto the good landrover track that lead us down to the main road,

We crossed over the road and under the railway into the pasture beyond, here we made ourselves comfortable among the gorse and out of the wind to wait for our lift across to Contin.

This was the end of this stage and we were to enjoy the hospitality at West lodge for a few days.

Next..  Across Ross