As we packed our rucksacks to be on our way we were Joined by a friendly dog who eventually turned out to be a problem. He seemed determined to come along with us, but he spent most of his time a hundred yard or so ahead of us, If we slowed up he would come back to see what was keeping us. At times he was of chasing the birds along the shore of the loch. One bird In particular led him a merry dance by just keeping ahead of him staying low to the ground and at times flying low over the water so that the dog was springing along with the spray flying. The bird was calling the whole time, I'm sure she must have been decoying the dog from her nest as she could have flown away at any time, but she persisted in flying to and fro just out of his reach. | |
When we met a couple walking back toward the Tomdoun Hotel which we had passed an hour earlier, I asked them to try and lead the dog back in that direction, as by now we were beginning to feel that he was intent on staying with us. However although they tried to befriend him and encourage him to accompany them he was not interested and so on we went, the three of us to the west. | |
While resting on rock, about twenty yards away we saw a large weasel like animal cross our route, it was about the size of a cat, dark in colour. I guessed at a Fine Martin, as it turned out It probably was. It seems they are fairly common in this part of Scotland and although they are a protected species farmers have been known to kill them as they wreak havoc with the poultry if they get the chance. | |
Our plan was to spend the night camping wild half a mile or so before the hamlet of CoiL le Mhorgil as the 0. S map showed a promising spot. And so it it turned out to be, a grassy stretch of river bank sheltered by a few trees gave us good camping. The rain which was by now heavy, meant that we could not really enjoy our surroundings, once again we. were confined to our tents, the dog stayed with us. He must have had a miserable night as the rain was relentless, at times we heard him shake as he tried to shed the water from his coat. | |