The Long Walk

This walk followed a route from Keld in the Yorkshire Pennines to Tongue on the North coast of Scotland's Pentland Firth. We took great care to ensure that every yard was diligently covered.

It was not walked continuously but comprised several walking holidays and sometimes  we used our cars  or public transport to get to and from our starting and  ending positions.  It was completed a few years ago, but I now hope to combine all the sections and so chart our progress on a  'Very Long Walk'


Dave Stamp(right) & Paul Spence                                         Route Map


Transferring our photographs and notes to this web is going to be a time consuming process, so anyone who stumbles upon these pages will need to have patience before journeys end at the Pentland Firth is finally in place on the Website.

There will be revisions and amendments ongoing,..... but come with us on our journey.

                                        Dave Stamp.   November 2001

You can access stages from this page or move sequentially through the stages by clicking  NEXT where you see it.

Keld to Alston  The Pennine section about 70 miles
Alston to Glasgow A rather tedious section about 80 miles
Glasgow to Fort William The West Highland way about 100 miles
Fort William To Atterdale A superb spectacular section about 90 miles
Atterdale to Dingwall Coast to Coast across Ross shire about 50 ml ( between sea lochs )
Dingwall to Tongue North to the Pentland Firth about 80 miles
470 miles approx