From the Ordnance maps the walk across Ross Shire looked to be Tempting. L. Carron in the west gave an ideal starting point as it was served by the railway likewise Dingwall on the Cromarty Firth in the east and the same facilities. Between these two points lay an area of mountains and lochs served by a few tracks and stalkers paths. When planning the route it looked as though gaps between the paths could be negotiated without too much trouble.




And after discussing the ideas with relatives living close to our planed route and taking advantage of their local knowledge the route was finalised. Our advisers ( Anne & Jimmy ) had also agreed to meet us on the morning of the third day of our trek, with provisions thus enabling us to travel a little lighter than would otherwise have been necessary. The day of Journey finally arrived, we were lucky in having a lift to the west with Jimmy and so did not need to use the train. Our planned starting point was Atterdale station on the shore of L. Carron.

It was close to here that we left the car and crossed under the railway skirting the shore. Across cow pasture the shingle shore of L. Carron was studded with pools left behind when the tide went out, we wandered down to these and selected a pebble to carry across to the Cromarty Firth. Now well below high water mark we turned to face the east and set off on what turned out to be a strenuous, wet but very enjoyable four day trek.
