BRIDGE of ORCHY to Black Rock cottage

.Our friend was packed and ready to go before us this morning. I thought that this might be the last time we would see him, as from now on the way is very wild, and to camp, one can go almost anywhere. 

As we climbed over the hill towards Inveroran we passed the three chaps that had camped wild above Crianlarich two nights back. Later that night we saw them camp about five hundred feet below us in Glen Coe at the foot of the Devils Staircase.

It was good walking all day along an old road that now saw only walkers. The scenery was really dramatic, with the mountains that flanked Rannoch Moor just to our left, and the wilderness of the moor itself stretching away into the distance on the right. We were very close to the snow line in places, particularly in the region of the ruined Ba Cottage where we stopped for a brew up and a bite to eat.

